Friday, April 23, 2010

I Was Invited To A Tea Party

The table was set.
The "cookies" were baked.
The tea was poured.
The cutest little hostess served the perfect little snack.

We have plans for another tea tomorrow. 


Buggys said...

Adorable. I need to get my Buggys girl a little tea set. She would love doing this. She likes to play "restaurant".

Momstart said...

that is so fun. Were the cookies delicious. I love when Zoe bakes us some stuff to eat.

jenn said...

Buggys ~ brandi has a bunch of different tea sets, and she still plays with every one of them.

jenn said...

momstart ~ the cookies were "yummy"! :)

Anna said...

So cute, I should do that with my daughter. We have lots of tea parties but not like this.

jenn said...

anna ~ Brandi always wants to use real tea, but I don't think she's quite old enough yet :)

Donna said... CUTE!

jenn said...

Miss Donna ~ I know :D