Monday, June 14, 2010


Okay, so the sunburn is a little better today.  I think the burn cream is working, and I had on a lot of sunblock today while I was in the pool.  I have to tell you...I am exhausted!  Being in the pool/sun all day for a few days can wear a person out.  Aside from the burn on my chest, the rest of me is finally getting tan.  (can't you tell?) We are staying home tomorrow, though.  This way, I can have a day out of the sun, and maybe catch up on all the housework and computer stuff I have been neglecting.

Maybe...or I might just be lazy and re-watch the new episode of True Blood on demand.  You know how much I love my vampires.


Sandy said...

The rate you're going you're gonna end up with sun poising. Glad to hear it's some better; as good to yourself as you would be to your kids.

Donna said...

Glad you're better sweetie! Stay out of the sun for a while! Hows the kids?

jenn said...

Sandy ~ yes ma'am :)

jenn said...

Miss Donna ~ the kids are fine...I make sure they wear tons of sun block. I have been doing the same for myself, too, so I am sure I will be fine.

Dawn said...

Glad to hear that you are better! I am sure you will peel. Put on lots of lotion to keep your skin hydrated !! But you look good with color!! :)

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I did peel...the burn in the picture is the second layer of skin. It looks a LOT better today, and we're staying in, so I hope I'm on the healing side of this.

Tammy said...

I think in your picture you look more tan then burned. You have healthy color.

My friend gave me season 2 of True Blood to watch. I can't wait! Now I just have to find the time.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I am tanning...only my chest and a little of my back and shoulders are burned, but they are all looking better today.

Girl, True Blood is awesome! I am such a vampire junkie! lol!

Crystal said...

Ouch, and yep I agree that it makes u tired. When we go to the lake and on the boat for a little while after I feel like i'm still floating, lol! U should have seen me when we got back from our cruise! Girl I was bumping into walls and if I leaned to the side for any reason I would have to catch myself!

jenn said...

Crystal ~ the best thing about all the sun is that the kids are sleeping really great! Brandi hasn't been rolling out of bed until after 12. of course, she's not going to bed until after 1am, but still.