Saturday, June 5, 2010

Look What I Won!

Isn't it adorable!  It's a YooHoo friend

I entered a giveaway on Tammy's blog, and was tickled when I won, because I never win anything.  It came in the mail today, and the girls freaked out when i pulled it out of the package.  I had no idea that these little critters are actually a hot little toy to have around here.  My problem is that I won one toy, and I have two daughters. 

What to do?

I think I might just keep it for myself.  I mean, it is purple...


Dawn said...

I would set it on my computer desk. That is so cool that you won !! I have never won something online. That rocks !!

The Fitness Diva said...

Awwww, how cute! And it's purple!

My cat would loovvve that one. I can see her carrying it around the house now...

As for your dilemma... let 'em take turns! Mon to Wed, daughter #1, Thur to Sat, daughter #2, and then on Sunday, it's Momny time! ;)

jenn said...

Dawn ~ it is sitting on my desk right now, waiting to see who will get it.

jenn said...

Fitness Diva ~ when you press it's tummy, it make a BOING noise, so the cat would love it!