Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Tulsa Zoo!

Guest post written by Krista Wilkie

The Tulsa Zoo is about a two hour drive from our house. Last weekend we were excited to take the kids to see the animals. We would be gone all day so I set the home alarm products before we left to go. We stopped and picked up some food along the way. When we got there, we rented a wagon so the kids would not have to walk the entire time. They really enjoyed this all day. My favorite animals that we saw were the penguins. I had never seen them at a zoo before this trip. They were so cute running around playing in the water together. The girls really enjoyed the tigers. One of them was right up by the glass next to us. He didn't seem to be afraid of us. He just laid there taking a nice nap. We were able to take them on the little train ride. They enjoyed this part too. We got dipping dots for a snack. I love them and you can't find them at all where we live. We got cookies and cream flavor. Overall we had a wonderful day together. The zoo only took a few hours to look at everything but it was worth the drive to Tulsa.

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