Friday, July 30, 2010

How Awesome Is This Guy?

We were at the gas station today, and Junior spotted this praying mantis hanging onto the wall beside the pump.  Of course I had to whip out my camera and get a picture, but he was hard to photograph from below.  So, my wonderful husband picked it up so I could get a good shot, and I think I got a great one, if I do say so myself.  The way he has his arms thrown out just kills me...wait, are they arms?  Or legs?


* Michael * said...

Totally awesome creature but fierce in their nature especially the female.

Sparkle said...

I LOVE praying manti! I don't see them often where I live, here in Southern California, though. Which is probably just as well - if one got inside the house, the cats would make short work of it.

Melissa said...

Very cool indeed. We only see them once in a while here, but we do get to see really large locusts with pink wings every now and then.

jenn said...

Michael ~ I did not know that. This one was calm, but as soon as my husband let it go, it flew away.

jenn said...

Sparkle ~ I am not a big bug person, but this guy was pretty cool. There was no way I was touching him, though.

jenn said...

Melissa ~ I've never seen a locust...I bet they are cool with their pink wings!

Kristin said...

Praying mantis always fascinate me.. I just want to stare at them.. When I was growing up in Connecticut, a friend of mine always had a few in her yard.. and they can get really big!

jenn said...

Kristin ~ this one was pretty big. The kids and I loved checking him out, but as soon as Junior threatened to put it on me, I was done! lol!

Lynne said...

Very cool pic!

jenn said...

Thank you Lynne!

stevebethere from bethere2day said...

I would have run a mile if i had seen it lol :-)

YummY! said...

I think Mantis's are the one critter that creep me out more than spiders do.

sandy said...

LOL...this reminds me of a story from childhood. My older brother was always collecting creeping crawling things. He had sorta an area between the inside and outside of the glass window in his room. He had one of these, wanted to watch it make the cocoon etc. But, then in his excitement opened the window after it had hatched it's 1000+ babies and they were all over the house. Mom vacuumed them up for days. lol

jenn said...

stevebethere ~ I am usually squeamish around bugs, but this one didn't scare me, until my husband tried to put it on me.

jenn said...

YummY ~ I think they are really cool to look at, but I would never pick it up myself. I'm not brave enough for that.

jenn said...

sandy ~ That is awesome! I can say that because I wasn't there, but I will tell you that if my son ever did anything like that, I would kill him, along with the 1000 babies! lol!

NoDebtMomma said...

EEK! That sucker is HUGE!!! Good picture thougth! Thanks for being the first to enter in my giveaway!


jenn said...

Sam ~ thanks!

~Jenn~ said...

wow! that is some bug! i think they are neat, but like you would NOT pick one up or want it on me. taking a picture is one thing, but that's about it. and what a great pic you got of him. cool. :)

jenn said...

Jenn ~ Ha! when Junior tried to put it on me, I ran across the parking lot screaming like the little girl I am! lol!