Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I Love Billy The Exterminator

Do you guys watch this show?  It's on at 10pm on Wednesday nights on A&E.  In fact, the kids and I are watching a new episode right now.  We have been watching a marathon of episodes all day, and I have to say, some of the things this guy does are crazy.

On one of the episodes, Billy goes into this house that is infested with roaches.  There wasn't an inch of anything in the entire house that wasn't covered in bugs.  It was disgusting.  I seriously don't know how people live like that.  There was trash everywhere, and dirty dishes, and just mess upon mess upon mess.  Do these people not realize that the way they live may have something to do with their house being infested?  And have they no shame, letting a television crew come in and tape their horrible way of living?

On another one of the episodes, Billy gets some baby raccoons out of the wall of a barn in a zoo.  They were adorable!  And the snakes that this guy finds?  Those are cool.

I also love the way this guy dresses, especially when he puts on his bee suit.  If you haven't watched this show before, make sure you check it out soon.  It is seriously one of my new favorites.


Susan Cook said...

I love this show too. My kids love it. We watch it whenever there is a new one. I can't imagine all those snakes, bugs, etc. Totally don't want to move to Louisiana after watching this.

Billy is cool♥

jenn said...

Sue ~ Me either! lol! Though I suppose there are creepy crawlies everywhere...

Nicole said...

I so want to move to louisiana just to meet him he is so fricken awesome man! dudes i am startin to talk like him i watch it so much! haha