Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Let's Do Lunch

The cover of this book reads, Let's Do Lunch Eating All The CALORIES and CARBS you want to lose weight.  Seeing as how I am a girl who has tried every other diet known to man, I was excited to read about this plan that would allow me to eat CARBS and lose weight.  I didn't really care about the calories, I just wanted to read about the diet that claims you can lose weight without giving up bread.

I wish I could tell you this book lived up to the title, but it didn't.  In fact, I found the claim of "eating all the CARBS you want" to be extremely misleading.

I was so disappointed with this book.

The real title should be "the frozen grape diet", or "the eat fruit smoothies until you get sick diet".  The only CARBS he allows on his diet plan are veggies and beans.  No bread.  No pasta.  No potatoes.  No white flour.  No sugar.  The last time I checked, these were CARBS.  If he claims I can eat all the CARBS I want and still lose weight, then I should be able to eat whatever CARBS I want.  The front of the book does not specify that you can only eat certain CARBS, and to be honest, after the first twelve times he claimed this diet not to be a fruit diet, I wasn't so sure.  The basis of this diet is eating frozen grapes.  Or popcorn sprayed with olive oil, which quite frankly, sounds a little disgusting.

If you are looking for a diet plan where you can eat protein once a day (at lunch time) and fruit the rest of the time, this is the book for you.  For those of us who actually like to eat, it is not a plan that would be easy to follow.

And that's very disappointing to me.

***I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.


Dawn said...

I know.. this doesn't sound like your kind of diet, but it sounds GREAT to me !! I don't do breads or anything you listed that is your weakness. We wouldn't do good together living under the same roof !! LOLOLOL

I will have to check it out. I am really under a crunch. I WANT to loose 10 pounds in two weeks from today. I am starving now. LOL I will see how I do !! :) I am going to check that book.

Dawn said...

I have signed up with booksneeze. Thanks for sharing the link !! :)

jenn said...

Dawn ~ were you able to get this book? If not, I will send you mine. Just message me your address on facebook.

I think if they had marketed this book as a fruit diet, I may have had more of an open mind. But when they claim on the cover that you can eat carbs, then you should be able to eat carbs. If they said you will eat enough fruit to make you puke, well, then I probably would have skipped right over it. Not that I don't like fruit - I do - I just don't think your entire diet should consist of it. Besides, I like to eat, not drink, my meals, so all the soups and smoothies wouldn't work for me.

I hope you like it better than I did.

Dawn said...

I wasn't able to get this book. It wasn't available to me. I need to change my settings in my profile. LOL If you wouldn't mind sending it to me, I would appreciate it. Please send it the cheapest way. Slow boat. It will give me something to read while I recouperate. I have a new blog: My other one at squarespace.. will just be for my own personal writings. I will message you on FB.

Oh, I use to love Firefox. I forgot why I changed back to IE.

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I messaged you back! :)

StaceyC4 said...

I need my bread, pasta and rice! I HATE fruit and especially smoothies! I want to eat real food! I would hate this book too!

jenn said...

Stacey ~ I like a lot of fruits, I just couldn't eat them all day, every day...which is probably why I am as big as I am, but like you, I need to EAT! lol!

Anonymous said...

You forgot to read the back cover of the tells you exactly what the book entails. You CAN eat all the calories you want, and you CAN eat all carbs you want, albeit Unprocessed starchy carbs and Unprocessed sweet carbs...which eliminate your cravings for all the processed starchy carbs and processed sweet carbs.

jenn said...

Anonymous ~ it is MY opinion that THAT information should have been on the COVER. The COVER is misleading, and it still holds that had I known it was mostly a fruit diet, I never would have gotten the book. Again, this is MY opinion.