Thursday, October 28, 2010

Going Trick or Treating

Contributed by Milford Woods

For Halloween this year, my two youngest children will be dressing up to go trick or treating. They are so excited about it. My oldest daughter, who is twelve, thinks she is too old to go trick or treating. She will probably end up dressing up as something but she doesn't want to admit it now. I have two sons. One of them will be three in December. The other one is eighteen months. My older son is excited about being able to dress up like a horse. The other one doesn't really understand Halloween yet. He is going to be a lion.

We live in a small town and will just be going trick or treating around our home town. Afterwards, we will go to their Grandparents house because they always make up a special bag for the grandkids. It will be so much fun especially if the weather is nice. Both of my boys will have warm costumes just in case it will be cold on Halloween night. When we get home, I will go through the trick or treat bags to check all of the candy. After that, we will sit down to watch our directtv for added excitement to the evening.


Dawn said...

I didn't know that you guys have DirectTV?? We have to have it because of where we live. I don't watch hardly any TV. I usually have it on, though.

jenn said...

Dawn ~ this was a guest post...I actually have Charter cable, which I love. They provide my internet, too, and it's super fast.

Dawn said...

LOL ~ about the guest post !! ha