Thursday, October 28, 2010

Girl's Day Of Reading

Yesterday at Brandi's school, they had a reading day dedicated to girls.  As most of you know, she is in an all girls class, and she loves it.  If you follow me on Facebook or read any of my other blogs, you know that I had a conference with her teacher on Monday to get her report card.  She did amazing, of course.  She is testing at a 5th/6th grade level, and she's only in 3rd grade.  She loves school, and was so excited yesterday, because the teachers promised the girls that Taylor Swift was going to read to them, live on television.  I am not sure exactly what it was, but Brandi came home and said that Taylor Swift just answered a lot of questions from the audience, and then sang Mine.  I don't think it was sounds like an interview or something.  Either way, all the girls loved it.

This week is also book fair.  I sent money with Boo on Tuesday to buy Ramona & Beezus.  (the one that has picture sin it from the movie with Selena Gomez, her favorite actress) Yesterday, during girls day, they did a bunch of giveaways where they gave out a ton of books. and Brandi's name was called.  She was able to go up on stage and pick any book she wanted out of a huge selection.  She came home with a craft book.  I asked her why she picked that, and she said that she already had all the other books.

That's right.  we have so many books around here, we outdid the book fair!  Gotta love it.


Jennie @ Modern Mamaz said...

Holy crap, I forgot about Beverly Cleary books! Best. Books. Ever.

jenn said...

Jennie ~ I know. I love that my daughter is an avid reader so that I can start sharing all of my old favorites with her.

Frugal Vicki said...

OMG, I totally loved Beverly Cleary Books! Remember Superfudge? I am going to have so much fun reading those again.

jenn said...

Vicki ~ I loved all the Fudge books! They were written by Judy Blume...did you ever read "Are You There God, It's Me, Margaret?". Now that will be an interesting read for my girls! lol!

YummY! said...

How awesome that she loves to read. Maybe she'll do some of the crafts from the book she picked out too. lol

jenn said...

YummY! ~ I am sure we will end up doing some together. We all love to get crafty together, too.