Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I Agree!

This sign was on the mirror in the restroom at Brandi's school.  
I seriously love it!


StaceyC4 said...

I LOVE that!!!

jenn said...

Stacey ~ me, too!

Crystal said...

That is very cool!

Crystal said...

And did u pay attention to it too?! Cause i'm pretty sure it was talking to u too;)

jenn said...

Crystal ~ of course I did...I know I'm beautiful! lol! A little heavy (or a lot heavy) but beautiful!

Jennie @ Modern Mamaz said...

...unless you're in high heels and a teddy dancing to Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On." But, good thing they didn't put that in the school bathroom.

jenn said...

Jennie ~ oh, no one wants to see me doing that! lol!

Tammy said...

What a great sign! You are beautiful!!!!

Dawn said...

Love the sign!! You are so beautiful !! :)

jenn said...

Tammy and Dawn ~ thank you!!!!

Unknown said...

Well Jenn firstly may I say that it recorded a beautiful picture of you!

I think positive messages are a wonderful idea for children and young people who often get bruised by so many mixed messages. A bit of positivity does us all good no matter who we are or whatever our age - we should campaign for more of it!!

redkathy said...

HI Jen, Check out operation This is very similar and became a worldwide movement. What an awesome concept!

jenn said...

Kloggers/Polly ~ I am seriously thinking about making a sign of my own to hang on my 13 year old daughter's mirror...and thank you for the compliment.

jenn said...

redkathy ~ I will put that on my list for tomorrow...I can't wait to check it out.

Silvergirl said...

i love that!! I am beautiful :P hahaha..

Nona said...

A great motivation to have on a mirror.

Donna said...

Ahhhh! What a sweet reminder!!

jenn said...

Silvergirl ~ Yes, you are!!!!

jenn said...

Nona ~ I think so, too. I made one for my girl's bathroom mirror this afternoon.

jenn said...

Miss Donna ~ I know, especially in a school, where kids are always so critical of themselves.

Frugal Vicki said...

That is too cool. I love it!

jenn said...

Vicki ~ :)