Thursday, September 15, 2011


Look how much better my leg looks!  The antibiotics and other meds have been working overtime I think, and I am well on my way to being all healed up.  In fact, all of the other spots have completely healed up.  The yeast infection is gone, too. The only thing that sucks is that I have round little scars all over my legs from the spots.  I'm hoping they will fade away in time...we shall see.  I want to thank all of you for your prayers and well wishes...keep them coming!  There is still a little bubble under this one, and I need for that to go away, too.

I'll keep you updated!


Tammy said...

Good news to hear that you are much better.

jenn said...

Thanks Tammy!

maitrilibellule said...

Keep on keepin' on Jenn, we're all here praying for you and delighted to see that you are getting well.


Maitri :)

jenn said...

Thanks Maitri! You're a sweetie.

Unknown said...

I think that is much better than before. Nice nail polish too.. lol

jenn said...

sir rob ~ thanks! I only paint my toes...I hate polish on my fingers. Go figure.