Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hey Santa!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Hiltons of Branson for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

This is the first year that none of my kids believe in Santa.  A few months ago, Brandi found the box I keep the kids teeth in, which led to a discussion about the Tooth Fairy, which led to a discussion about the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus.  Honestly, Brandi was more mad that I have been lying to her than she was about there being no Santa.  So this year, I want to make things extra special.  It will also be the first year it will be just the kids and I, so that adds to the pressure of having a perfect Christmas even greater.

I heard about this thing that the Hilton Promenade at Branson Landing , which is located across the street from the Hilton Branson Convention Center Hotel, is doing for the holidays, and I wish Brandi still believed, because this would have been the perfect thing for us to do.  They have a Santa Claus package which features deluxe accommodations for a family of four (two adults and two children) and breakfast with Santa at the Level 2 restaurant with a special gift for the children.  I am sure at 16 Ryan could qualify as an adult, and the girls would obviously be the kids.  At $228 a night, it could be affordable if I didn't buy them anything else for Christmas. 

If you are looking for something special to do for your kids this Holiday season, thing about Branson.  Taking a trip could add a little magic to your holiday.

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Kristi said...

That does look like a neat experience. We too are entering the holidays with one who no longer believes. Luckily, he pretends for the sake of little brother(for now)

Catch My Words said...

If you go, be sure to check out Yakov Smirnoff.


BrSpiritus said...

What? Santa CLaus isn't real? Dad you got some splainin' to do! lol

The Vintage Recipe Blog

Unknown said...

I love Branson We use to visit once a year while we were living in Arkansas. Now that we're stuck in Long Island we can't afford to do much of anything.