Sunday, February 12, 2012

Getting Healthy

I have decided that I am finally ready to get the rest of this weight off.  I was hoping that when I turned 40, I would be where I want to be, weight wise. Well, my 40th birthday was last Saturday, and I still have about fifty pounds to lose.  I know why I haven't been able to lose it.  Most days, I don't have time to come home for lunch, and I stop and grab something from a drive through.   Not the healthiest thing to do, I know.  Yesterday, I went grocery shopping and bought all kinds of healthy snacks, and I plan on making a lunch every morning to take with me, so I can avoid all the fast food.

I am not one to take anything to aid in my weight loss, but I am willing to take things that will help me get healthier.  There is something called Nopalea that you can drink to help your body get rid of toxins.  Drinking it every day can also help reduce inflammation and promote optimal health.  I am willing to give it a try, and I can do so for free (and so can you!) by calling 1-800-203-7063. There is a $9.95 fee for shipping, but I'm willing to pay that to see if Nopalea really works.

I'm hoping that by the time Spring rolls around I will have lost at least some of this weight.  I want to look better in all the cute shorts and tops I have for the warmer weather.  I mean, I am going to be single again for the first time in a long time, and it will be nice to have guys notice me again.

1 comment:

verabear said...

By the time I am forty, I'd be lucky if I only need to shed 50 pounds. Right now, at 30, I need to lose a hundred! But I just bought a bike (a real one, not the stationary one) and I'm hoping that gives me results! Goodluck to healthy eating too :)