Saturday, March 17, 2012

All Fixed

My sweet, sweet Lillie. Right now she is fighting an upper respiratory infection.  I have no idea how old she is, but two weeks ago she went into heat.  Not fun at all, let me tell you.  I made an appointment to have her fixed, and Tuesday morning I dropped her off at the humane society for the surgery.  I got several phone calls from them throughout the day, asking permission to run tests because they thought she had ear mites and ear infections.  When I went to pick her up, they were still waiting for her test results, and I ended up waiting for over an hour. Brandi was with me, and she was bored out of her mind.  I wish she had brought her homework with her, or had something to do.  Even Preschool Worksheets would have kept her occupied.   When the nurse (is that even what they are called?) finally came out with her results, she admitted to me that she had gotten busy in the clinic on the way to the lab and had forgotten about me.  I was a little ticked off, but I didn't show it, which ended up being a good thing because they charged me $35 less than what they quoted me when all was said and done.  Lillie is on an antibiotic for ten days and will be fine. The ear tests all came back negative...but they said her ears were really dirty so they cleaned them.  They kind of confirmed that she is deaf, but that wasn't a surprise to me.  We love her anyway.


Summer at said...

Lillie is such a cutie! It is a good thing you got her fixed - kitties in heat are always trouble! Fortunately for my human, I had my spay done before I had a chance to go into heat, so no noise or weird behavior (well, weirder than normal behavior)! I hope she gets over her URI soon.

Oh, BTW, they actually ARE called nurses. My human's boyfriend worked at a vet clinic for many years. There are techs, who have some training, and the nurses, who have more training than the techs.

Unknown said...

She's a real cutie, she is! And you sure did the right thing! My dog, now aged 15, well, I haven't got her fixed when she was a puppy. And ever since, twice a year, it's Yeehah!-adventure-time when I walk her because all the male dogs go berserk! One even followed me from my home to my work, trying to… hrm, well, you get the picture I guess, because he smelled my dog's smell on me! Have a fabulous week!

Tammy said...

Glad to hear Lillie is all better. She is a beautiful cat. She is lucky to find such a good loving home.

Petula said...

Well she sure is pretty! I'm glad she'll be okay.