Friday, March 30, 2012

Cleaning My Boss Man's Pool

Up until a couple of years ago, I wouldn't have been caught dead in a bathing suit.  I was too fat and self conscience to wear one, and I was always missing out on all the fun because of that.  Then I lost some weight, and even though I still have several pounds to lose, I became more comfortable in my own skin.  Two years ago, my mom bought a house with a pool.  For the first time, I wanted to be able to swim when everyone else did, so I went out and bought a bathing suit.  I do not have the Beach Body I would like to have, but I am getting there.

Last Spring, I helped my boss open his pool.  I put my bathing suit on and jumped into the dirty water to help him clean the middle, which he couldn't reach from the sides of the pool.  I knew I wasn't the best to look at in my bathing suit, but I had a crush on him and wanted to help, so I sucked it up.  A few days ago he asked me if I would help him again this year, and there was no way I could say no.  This year, though, I am embarrassed to put on my bathing suit, because I haven't lost any more weight, and I'm not feeling confident enough right now.  I need to do something like the 90 Day Review, though I am not sure I'll have 90 days before he needs my help. Maybe the Extreme Body Workout would be a better choice.  I don't know.  All I do know is that I am not looking forward to jumping into his pool this year.

This is a guest post provided by Fitness Alliance.

1 comment:

Catch My Words said...

Nobody feels great in a bathing suit. It's the nature of the beast. I've often felt like they need to put warning labels on mirrors in swimsuit shops that say, "Warning. Objects in mirror appear larger than they really are."
