Thursday, March 29, 2012


Thanks to Roman May

The last time we visited Nashville, we stayed with my cousin in Brentwood. The plan was to go into the city to see the Grand Ole Opry and later take a dinner cruise on the river, but the weather was crazy, dangerous when we got there. It was spring’s usually hostile tornado warnings, so we had to stay at his house which was fortunately was in an area where we could get the weather channel on Dish Network. There were several hours of warnings and actual sightings, we were safe. The next morning we ventured out to explore the neighborhood. This area is very nice with upscale homes and designer shopping, but the storm had damaged some of the stores and trees were down in areas. Fortunately the damage was minimal and no one was injured. We were finally able to visit Nashville and see the sights. The Grand Ole Opry Hotel is quite spectacular. Even though I am not a real big fan of country music, just being in the theatre was pretty exciting, almost as exciting as the weather.

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