Friday, March 30, 2012

What Type Of Driver Are You?

I see a lot of different types of vehicles on the road every day.  I have seen everything from mini-cars to big rigs with two trailers attached.  Those happen to be my least favorite vehicles to encounter on the interstate, simply because it always looks like they are having trouble controlling both trailers, especially when the wind is blowing.  By far, though, the funniest car I have ever seen was painted like a package of Skittle, complete with the "taste the rainbow" slogan down the side.  I can't help but wonder what would posses the driver to do that to his vehicle.  I mean, I love peanut butter Twix, but I would never paint my car metallic red and put the Twix logo on the side. Unless they paid me.

Driving every day has also taught me a lot about people.  For instance, people driving wheelchair vans or daycare buses tend to be more careful drivers.  I guess they figure their cargo is too precious to endanger. The drivers I hate the most are women on cell phones and business men who appear to be late for a meeting.  Now, I have been known to drive while talking on my cell phone, but I am never distracted.  My eyes are always on the road and I keep up with the flow of traffic.  A lot of the women I see talking on their phones tend to slow down, which makes for dangerous conditions, especially on the interstate, where I spend most of my day.  The men who appear to be late tend to weave in and out of traffic, traveling way faster than the posted speed limit.  I don't think I need to tell you all the dangers they pose to not only themselves, but the other drivers on the road.

I tend to stay in the middle lane, simply because that is where I feel the safest.  Like I said, my eyes are always on the road, because I have too much waiting for me at home to let another driver cause me to have an accident.

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