Saturday, May 19, 2012

Goodbye Doctor

I found out some news a couple of weeks ago that is breaking my heart.  The doctor that the kids and I have been seeing for ages is closing his office.  I don't remember exactly when we started seeing him, but I know he was the one who told me I was pregnant with Brandi, so it's been at least eleven years.  He diagnosed Ryan with ADHD, and always made sure his medications were working the way they should.

I do not have health insurance for my kids, because I can not afford it.  They do have medicaid, which is such a blessing. I have no health insurance at all, which worries me sometimes.  I mean, if I were to get really sick, I have no idea what I would do.  I need to do some research to try and find some kind of affordable health insurance for myself, but honestly, right now, I don't have any extra money at the end of the month to pay for it.  I thank God everyday that I am pretty healthy, and I hope I stay this way.

I don't know what I am going to do about finding another doctor for my kids. I have made a few phone calls, and most of the doctor's offices I have called are not accepting new patients, or they do not accept Medicaid.  It's pretty frustrating.  The only good thing is that now that Ryan is off all his ADHD meds (due to blood pressure issues) he doesn't need to see anyone on a regular basis anymore.  The only time my kids do see the doctor is when they are sick, so I may end up using the night and weekend clinics for now.  I know this is not a permanent solution, but I don't think I have any other option right now.

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