Saturday, May 19, 2012

I Choose Happiness

Brandi and I had a conversation the other day about happiness.  She woke up in a bad mood, and was cranky and crying about going to school. Her friends were fighting, and she didn't want to deal with that stress.  I sat her down and told her that every day she has a choice to make when she wakes up.  She can choose to let other people take away her happiness, or she can choose to be happy, and let that happiness filter to the people around her.I told her that every day, I choose to be happy.

Now, I'm not saying it's easy.  I have bad days just like everyone else, but for the most part, I choose to be happy.  I go to work every day with a smile on my face, and make the best of each day.  It probably helps that I love my job.  I'm not sitting in an office, dealing with the politics that comes with being surrounded by coworkers.  I get to be on the road, enjoying the sunshine (or rain, depending on the weather) and the constantly changing scenery.  I can stop pretty much whenever I want to take a short break (aka use the potty).  I could probably check out some Wilmington NC real estate if I was in that area.

My point is, I have learned how to create my own happiness.  I have walked away from the people who tried to take it away from me, and I am not one bit sorry.  I am hoping that by sharing my little secret with Brandi, and by setting a good example, I can show her how to find her own happiness.

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