Sunday, June 10, 2007

Happy Thoughts

I need a big favor. Brandi decided she wanted Bear to be her new cat. If you read me regularly, you know Bear was demoted to outside cat a couple of days ago cause he refuses to use the litter box. So Brandi guilted me into bringing him back in the house. She doesn't want him to get hit and die. How can I argue with that? So we bring him in. He's not the same kitten. He just lays around and has no energy. Kinda like he hasn't been eating. So I force some milk in him and he ate a little food. My child asks me if he is going to die. I say that I hope not and I will do everything I can to not let that happen. She says if he does die, she never, ever wants another kitten for the rest of her life. Please people, think happy thoughts, and pray this kittie turns around. I can not deal with another dead cat.On to happy things. I was up at 7:30 this morning cutting the grass. Then we went food shopping. I found some good meat deals. Food Lion marks down their meat on Sunday mornings. We saved a lot of money. Then we went fishing with my mom. The one time I forget my camera Junior catches a 4 pound catfish. It was big. The rest of us didn't catch much. The fish weren't biting. The kids caught a bunch of turtles. Junior caught a pretty big one as well. I mentioned wanting to go to church, and he says he has to think about it. So tonight while you pray for Bear, pray for my husband too. I'm not sure why he is so against going, although I think it would be a good guess to say it is something from his childhood. We all know how happy that was for him. I am sitting here now waiting for the dryer to buzz so I can do another load of laundry. Being at the stand all day I have no time to do housework. I forgot how hard it is to do it all. Junior and Ryan are still at the lake. Mom bought me and the girls home. I hear the dryer so I guess there are other things I need to do besides sitting here. I will work tomorrow after Faith leaves, so I'll write more tomorrow night. Sweet Dreams!

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