Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Um, Yeah, Gross

So, if any of you read my craft blog, you know about the fishing rod holders that Junior made. If not, check them out here. Anyway, he gave a couple to my dad, and he put them on Craig's List. They were listed yesterday evening, and last night Junior made a sale. It was a custom order, because the guy wants the part that goes into the ground to be longer. This posed a problem because we didn't have the money to go get the steel Junior needed to make them, but Junior being Junior, he agreed to have them made by Sunday.

So this afternoon, he went to a local bait shop, and sold two more. He didn't get nearly what he wanted for them, but the exposure will be good, and he made enough to buy the metal for the ones he needs to make.

When we got home, he whips out the saw and starts cutting the metal, so he can go to his friends house to weld them together. I am sitting at the computer, and I hear him outside cutting. Then I heard him at the door, asking for a rag because he thinks he cut his finger off.

Yeah, I was instantly nauseous. I do not deal well with blood, especially when it comes to saws and fingers. I'm thinking I have to go out there and hunt up his thumb so they can sew it back on. I grab a rag, and run outside...he didn't come in cause he was dripping blood everywhere!...and he wraps his thumb.

I couldn't look, and I don't think he could, either. I could, however, see that it is still attached, so that was a good sign. Poor Junior about passed out, so I got a chair under him, and told him I was calling my mom. (she's a nurse...this is right up her alley) He told me not too, and he checked it out himself.

Thank God he just put a huge hole in his nail, and sliced his thumb a little under the nail. He refused to go get stitches, and I honestly don't know what they would have done about his nail. I poured a ton of peroxide on it, and made him promise to go to the hospital tomorrow and get a tetanus shot. The blade that cut him was a little old and rusty, and it's been a while since he's had a shot. I know he won't go, and then his thumb will fall off, and I'll just be able to say "I told you so".



Unknown said...

oh no! i hope you won't be telling him i told you so. men can be so stubborn. but it is great that he is selling the holders. have a great day!

Karen said...

Oh my goodness! I hope it will be okay. It must be the week for mishaps. I bit my tongue so bad that even the dentist cringed. Then last night I accidentally stabbed my leg with a seam ripper. I need a vacation. I hope he sells more rod holders and makes a good profit. Kudos to him for trying.

Jennifer said...

I'm sorry but I LOL'ed. Only at your last comment though ;0)

I hope word of mouth takes off for him and he can make some extra $$ playing around ;)

StaceyC4 said...

I cannot tell you how many times my dad sliced his finger open quite badly in his deli days. And he NEVER went to the darn ER! His hands are scarred but thank God none of those gashes got infected!