Monday, July 5, 2010

My 4th Was Awesome!

I know, I look awesome, right?  I was having such an awesome time yesterday, that I only took three pictures the entire day...two of the food, and this one, although technically, I didn't take this one, but it was on my camera, so that counts, right?  Anyway, this is me and one of my bestest friends, Missy.  (I met Missy blogging a couple of years ago, and we lived close enough to each other to meet up in person, and we have become great friends!  I love her entire family!!!)  Her and her family came to mom's to swim and eat yesterday, along with my sister and her family, and one of her friends family.  Did that just make sense?  There was lots and lots of swimming, and food.  In my family, Holidays mean food, and boy oh boy did we have some yummy stuff yesterday!  My mom was a super hostess as usual, and everyone had a relaxing, fun day.  Unfortunately, the night ended with a trip to the ER after my eight month old niece fell out of her stroller onto the cement around the pool (she is fine! Thank God!). 

I promise to take more pictures next time...that is, as long as I am not having too much fun!


Unknown said...

Sounds like you had a great 4th!!

Petula said...

Sounds like you had gobs of fun. That's great. Having fun always trumps taking pictures. :-)

sandy said...

Glad the wee one is ok, sounds like you had a good time....are you sunburned again?

Cool to meet in person with someone you met here.


jenn said...

Lydia ~ I did. Hope you did, too!

jenn said...

Petula ~ you are so right! Usually, though, I take a ton of pictures, so it was weird to come home and find only a few shots on my camera.

jenn said...

Sandy ~ no more sunburn! lol! I make sure I use lots of sunblock, and I am just getting tanner.

There are so many other "blog friends" I want to meet in person...people I have been reading for years...hopefully someday, I will get that chance!