Monday, January 16, 2012


Valentine's Day is coming up soon, and for the first time in 16 years, I do not have a Valentine.  Well, I kind of do, so maybe it's better for me to say I do not have a husband.  This does not stop me from looking forward to this love holiday, because I have my three kids to buy something for.  Plus, I am sure they will get me something, too. 

I found those glasses up there at Zenni Optical, and I would totally wear them.  I love the little blingy heart on the side! For those of you who don't know about Zenni, they are the best place to buy glasses.  Those heart glasses are $30, but they have a huge selection of eyeglasses that cost under $10.  That's right.  I said under $10.  For someone like me on a very tight budget, being able to save money on eyeglasses is awesome.  I wear glasses, and Ryan needs glasses to see the board at school, and buying glasses for the two of us gets downright expensive.  I have yet to order from Zenni, simply because our current pairs are still in good condition.  I do have friends and family members who have ordered from them, and they were more than satisfied with their glasses.

The next time you need new glasses, check out Zenni Optical.

1 comment:

w0rkingAth0mE said...

I heard many times about zenni optical .. advance happy valentine's to you =)