Sunday, February 26, 2012

Another Lillie Picture

I figured it was time to post a new picture of Lillie.  She is getting fat, which is awesome because she was a skinny little thing when we got her a couple of weeks ago.  She still likes to bite, but she also loves to cuddle.  I had to fix her eyes because the picture gave her red eyes, but in reality, her eyes are the prettiest light blue. The best thing is, I was able to get rid of every single flea on her before my house became infested.


Dawn said...

Yeah, you don't want fleas at all. They can be prevented. I just looked at her other picture, wow, she has gotten a lot bigger. Purple collar !! :)

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

She is beautiful! I have the black version of her here - our Sabbath is a carbon copy. :)

Summer at said...

She is so pretty!

Kristin said...

She is so beautiful!

Susan Cook said...

She is really cute. Very pretty white kitty!

Wendy said...

regal pose:-)