Friday, March 23, 2012

I Like "It" Now!

I am a big girl.  Sure, I'm not as big as I used to be, but I still have some weight that I need to lose.  I am currently still shopping in the "plus size" section of stores, but I am actually okay with it, because the clothes I am buying fit properly.  When I was one hundred pounds heavier, even the plus sized clothes were too tight, and I was never comfortable.

It's kind of funny, because it has been a long time since I have enjoyed being with a man.  These days, though, I can't get enough of the guy I am seeing.  I am even thinking about buying some plus size lingerie to model for him. In the sixteen or so years I was with my ex, I never wore a single piece of lingerie, because I was never comfortable enough with my body.  I have heard that women enjoy sex more the older they get, and in my case, that's true.  If you had told me even a year ago that I would be looking at hanky panky panties and ahh bras and considering buying some, I would have thought you were crazy.

I think it has a lot to do with my breast reduction, too.  Big breasts are hard to fit into a bra, trust me.  Now that I have smaller breasts, I like wearing shirts that show off my new figure.  Bras fit me perfectly now, and it's a great feeling.

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