Saturday, June 19, 2010

My Day. It Was A Long, But Good One

Brandi is still sick.  Well, I say sick because she is running a fever, but she has no other symptoms.  When I ask how she feels, she says nothing hurts (ears, throat, chest, stomach), she just doesn't feel good.  For a while this afternoon, her fever broke, and I thought she was doing better.  She even got in the pool for awhile.  When we got back home, her temp was back to 101.7.  I'm thinking we might just hang out at home tomorrow and let her, and Junior, start feeling better.

Junior's hand is looking better.  It is in no way looking good, but it look better than it did yesterday.  This is a good thing, because it means he won't go in for surgery on Monday.  Huge sigh of relief.  I think the high dose of antibiotics is doing the trick.  He is still hurting, but the pain medicine is making it bearable.

I spent today with my mom, sister, Grandmother, and my favorite aunt.  I was so close to her growing up, and it was wonderful to spend time with her today.  She has to fly back to Florida in the morning, so I dragged Brandi over to my mom's house and set her up in bed with her movies while I visited.  Do I get the bad mom award for that?  I am not usually emotional, but I cried when I saw my Aunt today.  It's been about 6 years since I have seen her.  When I was little, I used to spend weeks at a time at her house.  If we had a vacation from school, I was at her house.  During the summer, I spent weeks on end over there.  She is the only person in the world still allowed to call me Jenny.

I guess that's about it.  I am beat, and ready for bed.  I know I have said this before, but swimming, and being in the sun, wears me out!

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